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Brady Bonds

Categoria — Tipi di obbligazioni
By Konstantin Vasilev Member of the Board of Directors of Cbonds, Ph.D. in Economics
Updated October 23, 2023

What Are Brady Bonds?

Brady Bonds are tradable instruments that emerged as a solution to address sovereign debt crises in developing countries during the late 1980s and early 1990s. These bonds were named after the then-U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, who introduced the Brady Plan. The Brady Plan aimed to provide relief to countries struggling with high levels of debt, often issued in the form of traditional treasury bonds.

Brady Bonds were created by converting existing debt issued by developing nations into new bonds. The terms of these bonds varied, but they typically had long maturities and a coupon rate. They were designed to be more attractive vehicles for bond investors than the original, often high-risk, debt issued by these countries. By offering longer maturities and the potential for improved creditworthiness, they attracted both private creditors and commercial banks.

Brady Bonds

Brady Bonds Explained

Brady Bonds, named after former U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, represent a significant development in the world of emerging market securities. These bonds gained prominence in the late 1980s as a response to the sovereign debt crises that plagued mainly Latin American countries. They are known for their liquidity and the valuable insights they offer into market sentiment regarding developing nations.

Introduced in 1989, Brady Bonds served as a creative solution to the debt defaults experienced by several Latin American countries. The central concept behind these bonds was to facilitate commercial banks’ exchange of their claims on developing countries for tradable instruments. This allowed banks to remove nonperforming debt from their balance sheets and replace it with bonds issued by the same debtor nation. By making this exchange, banks effectively transformed a nonperforming loan into a performing bond, thus shifting the debtor government’s liability from the bank loan to the bond itself. This strategic move effectively reduced the concentration risk for these banks, making their balance sheets less vulnerable to the uncertainties of developing nations’ debt repayment.

The Brady Plan, underpinning the issuance of these bonds, was a collaborative effort involving not only the United States but also multilateral lending agencies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. It called for these institutions to work in tandem with commercial bank creditors to restructure and alleviate the debt burden of developing countries embarking on structural adjustments and economic programs supported by these international agencies. The core process of creating Brady Bonds entailed the conversion of defaulted loans into bonds backed by U.S. Treasury zero-coupon bonds as collateral.

How do Brady bonds work?

Brady Bonds, which are a type of sovereign debt securities, function as a specialized financial instrument primarily denominated in U.S. dollars, although there are lesser-issued versions in various other currencies, such as German marks, French and Swiss francs, Dutch guilders (before the introduction of the euro), Japanese yen, Canadian dollars, and British pounds. These bonds are characterized by their long-term maturities, making them particularly appealing for investors seeking to profit from spread tightening.

One of the key features of Brady Bonds is that the purchase of U.S. Treasurys secures the payment obligations on these bonds. This arrangement instills confidence in investors and assures them of timely interest payments and the repayment of principal. The backing of U.S. Treasurys lends a significant degree of safety to these bonds.

An equivalent amount of 30-year zero-coupon Treasury bonds further collateralizes Brady Bonds. The issuing countries acquire these zero-coupon bonds from the U.S. Treasury, with the maturity of these zeros matching the maturity of the individual Brady Bonds. These zero-coupon bonds are held in escrow at the Federal Reserve until the respective Brady Bond reaches its maturity date. At that point, the zero-coupon bonds are sold to generate the funds required for the repayment of principal to bondholders. This mechanism ensures that bondholders receive their principal on the designated maturity date.

In the unfortunate event of a default by the issuing country, bondholders still have a safeguard in place. In such cases, they would receive the principal collateral, which consists of the 30-year zero-coupon Treasury bonds originally held in escrow. This provision offers a degree of protection for investors in case of unexpected repayment difficulties by the issuing country.

Types Of Brady Bonds 

  1. Par Bonds (Bonds Sold at Par). Par Bonds are Brady Bonds that were issued at their face value, meaning they were sold at the original, or par, value of the debt. These bonds aimed to provide a straightforward solution for debt restructuring by essentially maintaining the same principal amount as the original debt.

  2. Discount Bonds (Bonds Sold at a Price Below Par). Discount Bonds were issued at a price below their face value or par value. This type of Brady Bond allowed the issuing country to reduce the nominal value of the debt, providing some debt relief to the country while still offering bondholders the potential for future gains as the bond’s value increased towards par.

  3. New Money Bonds (Bonds of "New Money"). New Money Bonds represented a more complex aspect of the Brady Plan. These bonds were issued to provide additional funds or "new money" to the debtor country as part of the debt restructuring process. They allowed countries to access fresh capital to support their economic recovery efforts while also addressing their existing debt burdens.

  4. Debt Conversion Bonds. Debt Conversion Bonds facilitated the conversion of existing debt into a different form of debt instrument. This conversion often involved swapping older, less manageable debt for new bonds with more favorable terms. Debt Conversion Bonds played a role in reducing the debt burden on debtor nations.

Benefits and Risks of Investing in Brady Bonds


  1. Higher Returns on Investment. Brady Bonds can offer higher returns on investment compared to traditional sovereign bonds. Investors are attracted to these bonds due to the potential for greater yields, especially when they are trading at a discount.

  2. Profitability from Spread Tightening. Brady Bonds are known for their long-term maturities, making them attractive vehicles for profiting from spread tightening. As market conditions improve and the perceived risk of the issuing country diminishes, the spreads on these bonds can narrow, leading to capital gains for investors.

  3. Anticipation of High Economic Growth. Investors may be drawn to Brady Bonds issued by developing and emerging countries with the anticipation of high economic growth. As these nations implement structural reforms and achieve economic stability, the value of their bonds can appreciate, providing investors with the potential for significant profits.


  1. Sovereign Risk. Sovereign risk is a critical concern when investing in Brady Bonds. It encompasses a range of factors, including high inflation rates, volatile exchange rates, higher unemployment rates, and geopolitical and economic instability in the issuing country. Brady Bonds from countries facing these issues are considered speculative, and investors run the risk of a debt default. This risk is particularly prevalent in developing and emerging countries.

  2. Interest Rate Risk. Brady Bonds are not immune to interest rate risk, which is inherent in all bond investments. The relationship is inverse: when market interest rates rise, bond prices tend to fall. Therefore, if the market prices of Brady Bonds increase, their value will drop, leading to a lower rate of return for investors. This risk is shared by all bond investors.

  3. Liquidity Risk. Liquidity risk arises when the issuer of the bond cannot easily sell or trade the bond. This poses a risk to bondholders who may find it challenging to sell their holdings at fair market prices. An example of this was evident when Brady Bonds issued by Mexico faced liquidity issues as the Mexican peso experienced a significant devaluation.

Examples of Brady Bonds

  1. The illustration involving Argentina’s Brady bonds pertains to the utilization of specific Argentine bonds known as ’letes.’ Argentina’s financial institutions issue these treasury bills, which come with discounts and have maturity periods of three, six, and twelve months. Additionally, there are monthly auctions conducted for the letes.

  2. Another instance involves the utilization of a specific bond by Mexico known as Ajustabonos. These bonds are long-term, with tenures of 3 and 5 years, and foreign investors receive tax exemptions for holding them. The Mexican treasury issues these bonds, indexing them to inflation, and they offer real-time returns based on the Mexican Consumer Price Index.

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