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Kredobank, 1-A

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Emissione | Emittente
  • Credit-Rating
    | ***
  • Expert-Rating
    | ***
  • Standard-Rating
    | ***
Importo dell'emissione
4.000.000 UAH
Scadenza (all'opzione put/call)
*** (-)
ACI su
Paese di Rischio
Cedola corrente
Rendimento / Duration
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Calcolatore obbligazionario Che cos'è il calcolatore?
  • Volume del collocamento
    4.000.000 UAH
  • Importo sul mercato
    4.000.000 UAH
  • Denominazione
    1.000 UAH

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Informazioni sull'emissione

Today JSC “KREDOBANK” is the bank with the biggest polish and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development investment into the bank organization of Ukraine. As for today the authorized capital of JSC “KREDOBANK” consists of 98.18% ...
Today JSC “KREDOBANK” is the bank with the biggest polish and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development investment into the bank organization of Ukraine. As for today the authorized capital of JSC “KREDOBANK” consists of 98.18% of the foreign investment and 1.82% of the Ukrainian capital. The structure of the authorized capital of JSC "Kredobank" is: PKO Bank Polski SA (Warsaw) 98,18% Ukrainian shareholders 1,82% SHAREHOLDERS OF THE BANK PKO BP SA (Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna) PKO BP SA - is the largest Polish bank, under the value of assets, which is the leader in the market of banking services for individual clients, deposit-operating accounts, mortgage lending, e-banking, payment cards, servicing small and medium enterprises. The Bank has the most diversified network of branches and operational units among Polish banks, which totals up to 1300 units. Thirty two thousand of employees work in the bank system. At present 51.51% of the Bank shares belong to the Polish Government represented by the State Treasury. By the end of 2006 the total assets of PKO BP SA aggregated PLN 99,1 billion, which exceed the value of all assets of the whole commercial banks of Ukraine. The capital of PKO BP S.A. totaled PLN 10 035 mln., the solvency ratio is 11,7%. By the end of 2006 the profit received by PKO BP SA totaled PLN 2047.4 mln, which exceeds by 22,1% the profit for the same period of the last year. PKO BP SA is the largest profitable bank in the banking system of Poland. Internet page of PKO BP SA European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD was founded in 1991 (Head quarters in London) and represents an international organization consisting of 61 members; Aim of EBRD is to promote transfer to the world market economy, development of the private initiative in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe; The principal forms of EBRD financing are loans, investments into the shareholders equity (shares) and guarantees. Internet page of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development JSC "Kredobank" foreign investments secured the stability of development, became the guarantees of clients safety, opened the access to the financial resources, experiences and technologies of the European banks and, in addition, strengthened the position of the Bank in Ukrainian and world financial markets. JSC "Kredobank" actively expands the branch network, which consists of 24 branches and 142 operational units in 19 regions of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. As for today JSC "Kredobank" is the Bank which dynamically develops and enters top twenty of the best Ukrainian banks. The main directions of the JSC "Kredobank" development are: the extension of the lending transactions activity, the service of export - import and securities transactions, the growth of the authorized capital, the pile-up of deposit resources, the implementation of new technologies and products. So, as at 01.08.2007: net assets UAH- 3846,5 mln.; net liabilities UAH- 3585,2 mln.; credit and investment portfolio UAH- 2980,1 mln.; retail deposits UAH- 1722 mln.; corporate deposits UAH- 1038,5 mln.; net profit UAH- 5,13 mln.; The Bank achieves high rating positions among the domestic banks in Ukraine. In accordance with the rating of the Association of Ukrainian Banks, the JSC "Kredobank" by 01.06.2007: occupies the 23th place under the volume of assets; entered the top thirty two of the largest Ukrainian banks under the value of the paid-up authorized capital; took the 15th place in the rating under the retail deposit volume; has the credit and investment portfolio which grows rapidly (keeping the qualitative indicators of indebtedness) and allowed the Bank to take the 22rd place among the local banks. JSC "Kredobank" actively implements the European quality standards for servicing clients and of new banking technologies, promptly reacts on the market opportunities, extends the spectrum of financial services, enters new geographical markets, establishes the long term, mutually beneficial business relationships. JSC "Kredobank" has proved itself as the reliable and the transparent structure for the western financial structures. JSC “KREDOBANK” establishes the bank operations in accordance to the Law of Ukraine “About Banks and Banks’ activity” regarding the National Bank of Ukraine License from January 27 2006 year № 43.
  • Emittente
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  • Nome completo del mutuatario/emittente
  • Settore
  • Settore industriale
    Settore bancario
  • Azioni
Importo dell'emissione
  • Volume del collocamento
    4.000.000 UAH
  • Importo sul mercato
    4.000.000 UAH
Valore nominale
  • Valore nominale
    1.000 UAH
  • Importo principale sul mercato
    *** UAH
  • Listing

Parametri del flusso cedolare

  • Tasso d'interesse di riferimento
  • Cedola
  • Inizio dello stacco delle cedole
  • Valuta dei pagamenti
  • Scadenza

Termini del rimborso anticipato


Utilizza il più completo database finanziario

800 000


Oltre 400

fonti di prezzo

80 000


9 000


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Classificazione dell'emissione

  • Rank: Undefined
  • Obbligazioni con cedola
  • Ammortizzato
  • Richiamabile
  • CDO
  • Obbligazioni convertibili
  • Dual currency bonds
  • Tasso variabile
  • Per investitori qualificati (Regione CIS)
  • Obbligazioni estere
  • Green bonds
  • Garantito
  • Capitale legato all'inflazione
  • Emissioni obbligazionarie sovranazionali
  • Coupon legato all'inflazione
  • Obbligazioni ipotecarie
  • Perpetuo
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Titoli fuori mercato
  • Redemption Linked
  • Ristrutturazione
  • Obbligazioni retail
  • Obbligazioni Garantite
  • Cartolarizzazione
  • Prodotti strutturati
  • Obbligazioni commerciali
  • Subordinato
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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