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Severstaltrans, 8.5% 22jun2010, USD (XS0305264813)

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Rimborso anticipato
Importo dell'emissione
75.000.000 USD
Rimborso anticipato
*** (-)
ACI su
Paese di Rischio
Cedola corrente
Rendimento / Duration
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Calcolatore obbligazionario Che cos'è il calcolatore?
  • Volume del collocamento
    175.000.000 USD
  • Importo sul mercato
    75.000.000 USD
  • Minimo lotto commerciale
    100.000 USD
  • ISIN
  • Common Code
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    TSPINV 8.5 06/22/10

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Informazioni sull'emissione

Severstaltrans represents an industrial group that is among the largest rail transportation, shipping and logistics operators in Russia and the CIS, and has established itself as a market leader in providing services for the export, import and transit of ...
Severstaltrans represents an industrial group that is among the largest rail transportation, shipping and logistics operators in Russia and the CIS, and has established itself as a market leader in providing services for the export, import and transit of international and domestic cargo. The Severstaltrans Group’s (the “Group”) operations are defined by three main categories, Railroad Services, Seaport Services and Machine Building. The majority of the companies in the Group are ultimately owned 50% by Mr Alexey Mordashov (the controlling shareholder of Severstal which is Russia’s 3rd largest steel producer) and 50% by Severstaltrans senior management (the “Shareholder Group”). Despite Severstaltrans being a separate entity from Severstal, the relationship is such that Severstal management are represented on the Board of Directors. Originally created for the purpose of serving Severstal’s transportation needs, the Group has continued to employ an aggressive acquisition strategy over the past several years to create a wholly integrated transportation holding company. Indeed, the Group’s expansionary activities has resulted in acquiring stakes in Vostochny and Tuapse seaports, strategic ports on the Pacific Sea and Black Sea, and also a majority shareholding in the Kolomenskiy Plant JSC - Russia’s largest manufacturer of diesel locomotives and engines. More recently, in 2003 the Shareholder Group purchased OOO Balttransservice, one of Russia’s largest operators of railway traffic and specialises in transportation of oil and oil products. With an estimated EBITDA of US$41 million in 2002 Balttransservice remains a key profit centre for Severstaltrans. In the rapidly developing industry Severstaltrans has been able to benefit from a stable client base, including the Russian Ministry of Railway Transport, TNK-BP, Slavneft, Yukos, Tatneft and Severstal (Severstal shipments do not amount to more than 5% of the total shipping handled by Severstaltrans). According to FY2002 IAS financial data, Severstaltrans Group consolidated revenues increased 45% y-o-y to reach US$692.3 million, with an EBITDA of US$117 million and total assets were estimated at US$489.9 million. Latest data for 2003 suggest another robust performance, with sales up 48% y-o-y over the first six months. Severstaltrans continues to secure an established credit history and has a number of outstanding banking facilities with both international and Russian Banks. In January 2004, the company’s credit status was further enhanced by the IFC’s approval of a US$40 million loan to assist in the expansion of their rail tanker car fleet and acquisition of new locomotives. Severstaltrans is currently in the process of launching its first capital markets transaction with the sale of Credit Linked Notes (CLNs) for its special purpose vehicle - Severstaltrans Finance – with 3 companies within the Group (Severstaltrans, Balttransservice and Kolomenskiy Plant) acting as guarantors for the proposed financing. Overall, freight transportation, particularly container operations, remains one of the most rapid and dynamically growing sectors in the Russian economy and through its strategic expansion Severstaltrans has positioned itself to benefit from such developments. A position that is further enhanced by Russia’s vast transit potential and the government’s long-term investment strategy.
  • Emittente
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  • Nome completo del mutuatario/emittente
  • Settore
  • Settore industriale
    Servizi di trasporto vari
Importo dell'emissione
  • Volume del collocamento
    175.000.000 USD
  • Importo sul mercato
    75.000.000 USD
Valore nominale
  • Minimo lotto commerciale
    100.000 USD
  • Importo principale sul mercato
    *** USD
  • Multiplo intero
    *** USD
  • Valore nominale
    1.000 USD

Parametri del flusso cedolare

  • Tasso d'interesse di riferimento
  • Cedola
  • Metodo di calcolo del rateo d'interesse
  • Inizio dello stacco delle cedole
  • Frequenza della cedola
    *** volte all' anno
  • Valuta dei pagamenti
  • Scadenza
  • Data di rimborso anticipato

Flusso cedolare

Tutti i calcoli si basano sul lotto commerciale minimo

Termini del rimborso anticipato


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  • Modalità di collocamento
    Sottoscrizione aperta
  • Collocamento
  • Prezzo al collocamento (rendimento)
  • Collocazionere geografica
  • Tipo di investitori
Operatori del collocamento
  • Bookrunners del collocamento

Scambi e conversione

  • Condizioni di conversione

Ulteriori informazioni

Ultime emissioni


  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Common Code
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    TSPINV 8.5 06/22/10
  • Tipologia di titolo della BCR

Classificazione dell'emissione

  • Rank: Undefined
  • Registered
  • Obbligazioni con cedola
  • Ammortizzato
  • Richiamabile
  • CDO
  • Obbligazioni convertibili
  • Dual currency bonds
  • Tasso variabile
  • Per investitori qualificati (Regione CIS)
  • Obbligazioni estere
  • Green bonds
  • Garantito
  • Capitale legato all'inflazione
  • Emissioni obbligazionarie sovranazionali
  • Coupon legato all'inflazione
  • Obbligazioni ipotecarie
  • Perpetuo
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Titoli fuori mercato
  • Redemption Linked
  • Ristrutturazione
  • Obbligazioni retail
  • Obbligazioni Garantite
  • Cartolarizzazione
  • Prodotti strutturati
  • Obbligazioni commerciali
  • Subordinato
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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