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Russian Standard Bank, 11% 28may2005, USD (XS0181392787)

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Emissione | Emittente
  • Expert RA
      | ***
Importo dell'emissione
30.000.000 USD
Scadenza (all'opzione put/call)
*** (-)
ACI su
Paese di Rischio
Cedola corrente
Rendimento / Duration
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Calcola in un click! rendimento, duration e altri paramentri
Calcolatore obbligazionario Che cos'è il calcolatore?
  • Volume del collocamento
    30.000.000 USD
  • Importo sul mercato
    30.000.000 USD
  • Minimo lotto commerciale
    100.000 USD
  • ISIN
  • Common Code
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    RUSB 11 05/28/05

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Informazioni sull'emissione

Russian Standard Bank is one of the leading consumer lenders in Russia and one the countrys most profitable privately held banks, offering world-class products and services to a broad range of customer audiences. The bank operates ...
Russian Standard Bank is one of the leading consumer lenders in Russia and one the countrys most profitable privately held banks, offering world-class products and services to a broad range of customer audiences. The bank operates in full compliance with international best practices and in continued collaboration with leading financial institutions around the world.With a well-defined business strategy, high quality financial products and innovative information technologies, Russian Standard Bank pioneered the new consumer lending market in Russia.Russian Standard Bank dominates the consumer finance sector in Russia with more than 25 million loan customers and nearly 50% of the credit card market. The bank has issued over 25 million credit cards and cooperates closely with approximately 21,000 trading partners. The bank also has a 30% market share of point-of-sale consumer lending, with the majority of loans approved for the purchase of household goods. The total volume of consumer credit loans exceeded US$30 billion as of December 31, 2008.Russian Standard Bank is one of the largest Russian banks in terms of all key operating indicators. The bank is in the top five in Russia among private retail banks in terms of assets and profits, and is ranked among the 1,000 Largest Banks of the World, as reported by the British magazine The Banker. The banks insurance arm, Russian Standard Insurance, has quickly and successfully expanded into the credit life insurance market with more than 9 million lives insured. In less than three years, Russian Standard Insurance became the top credit life insurer in Russia, and today it is one of the leading term life insurers in the country. Russian Standard Insurance offers innovative life and health insurance policies to personal loan, car loan and credit card loan customers, leveraging branches in 72 cities across Russia.Powerful Coverage & Regional ExpansionRussian Standard Banks distribution network covers 93% of the Russian population. The bank has over 400 branches and representative offices across the country. It offers over 46,000 POS locations in retail outlets and over 2,500 ATMs and cash-in machines. The bank employs 25,000 people across its organization. The bank works extensively in all regions and its volume of personal loans originating outside Moscow continues to grow rapidly, accounting for 83% by value in 2008.Exclusive Partnership with American ExpressRussian Standard Bank is the exclusive issuer of American Express branded credit cards in Russia. Signed in 2005, the partnership with American Express introduced the American Express brand, products and services into the Russian market on a major scale. The partnership was expanded in 2008, placing Russian Standard Bank in charge of: signing new merchants in Russia to accept the American Express Card; managing relationships with existing American Express merchants and processing transactions on the American Express network. Russian Standard Banks own merchant network covers more than 90,000 locations in Russia. Since January 2008, the Bank has increased its network by more than 21,000 locations, with plans to extend the network further throughout Russias regions. Russian Standard Bank (RSB) is a consumer finance bank organised as a closed joint stockcompany under the laws of the Russian Federation.RSBs business activities are primarily focused on consumer finance and other retail services,including credit cards services and deposit taking. As an ancillary business, RSB also offers a variety ofbanking, corporate finance, lending and other services to Russian corporate clients (including payment andaccount services, cash handling and settlement services).
  • Emittente
    Vai alla pagina dell'emittente
    Russian Standard Bank
  • Nome completo del mutuatario/emittente
    Russian Standard Bank
  • Settore
  • Settore industriale
    Settore bancario
  • SPV / Emittente
Importo dell'emissione
  • Volume del collocamento
    30.000.000 USD
  • Importo sul mercato
    30.000.000 USD
Valore nominale
  • Minimo lotto commerciale
    100.000 USD
  • Importo principale sul mercato
    *** USD
  • Multiplo intero
    *** USD
  • Valore nominale
    1.000 USD
  • Listing

Parametri del flusso cedolare

  • Tasso d'interesse di riferimento
  • Cedola
  • Inizio dello stacco delle cedole
  • Frequenza della cedola
    *** volte all' anno
  • Valuta dei pagamenti
  • Scadenza

Termini del rimborso anticipato


Utilizza il più completo database finanziario

800 000


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fonti di prezzo

80 000


9 000


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  • Modalità di collocamento
    Sottoscrizione aperta
  • Tipo di collocamento
  • Tipo del collocamento
    in base alla cedola
  • Collocamento
  • Collocazionere geografica
  • Tipo di investitori
  • Motivo del collocamento
    RSB intend to use the net proceeds for general corporate purposes.
Operatori del collocamento
  • Operatore al collocamento

Scambi e conversione

  • Condizioni di conversione

Ulteriori informazioni

Ultime emissioni


  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Common Code
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    RUSB 11 05/28/05
  • Tipologia di titolo della BCR


Classificazione dell'emissione

  • Rank: Undefined
  • Obbligazioni con cedola
  • Loan Participation Notes
  • Ammortizzato
  • Richiamabile
  • CDO
  • Obbligazioni convertibili
  • Dual currency bonds
  • Tasso variabile
  • Per investitori qualificati (Regione CIS)
  • Obbligazioni estere
  • Green bonds
  • Garantito
  • Capitale legato all'inflazione
  • Emissioni obbligazionarie sovranazionali
  • Coupon legato all'inflazione
  • Obbligazioni ipotecarie
  • Perpetuo
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Titoli fuori mercato
  • Redemption Linked
  • Ristrutturazione
  • Obbligazioni retail
  • Obbligazioni Garantite
  • Cartolarizzazione
  • Prodotti strutturati
  • Obbligazioni commerciali
  • Subordinato
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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