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Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nome dell'organizzazione
Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Statistics (BHAS)
Nome del paese
Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Paese di registrazione
Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Settore industriale
Settore no-profit
Debito obbligazionario

Utilizza il più completo database finanziario

800 000


Oltre 400

fonti di prezzo

80 000


9 000


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Le quotazioni ricevute dai fornitori di informazioni sono indicative


The mission of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to provide reliable, high-quality, understandable, timely and internationally comparable statistical data that meet the needs of decision-makers, researchers and other domestic and foreign users and reflect the state and changes in the economic, demographic and social area, area of the environment and natural resources. The collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of statistical data is performed on the basis of statistical standards and modern technology, with the protection of statistical confidentiality, optimal use of resources and a reasonable burden on data providers.




Debito obbligazionario in valuta

Indicatori Macroeconomici

La registrazione è richiesta per ottenere l'accesso.