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Bunny Bond

Categoria — Tipi di obbligazioni
By Vladislava Sabanova, Latin America Group of Cbonds
Updated June 25, 2024

What is Bunny Bond?

A bunny bond, also known as a guaranteed coupon reinvestment bond, is a unique financial instrument that provides investors with a strategic option for managing reinvestment risk. This type of bond grants bondholders the opportunity to reinvest coupon payments into additional bonds that share the same coupon rate and maturity as the original investment, thus multiplying bonds like rabbits. Bunny bond is a type of payment-in-kind securities.


  1. Risk Mitigation. Bunny bonds serve as an effective tool for mitigating reinvestment risk, providing investors with a strategic option to reinvest coupon payments at prevailing interest rates and potentially avoid losses associated with declining rates.

  2. Flexibility in Payments. Investors enjoy flexibility in choosing between receiving coupon payments in cash or reinvesting them in additional bonds with the same coupon rate and maturity, allowing for customization based on market conditions and individual financial goals.

  3. Lower Cost of Investment. The option to reinvest coupon payments directly into additional bonds can lower the overall cost of the investment. This can be advantageous compared to traditional bonds, where investors may face the challenge of reinvesting at potentially lower rates.

  4. Yield Protection. Investors benefit from a degree of yield protection. The ability to reinvest coupons at the prevailing interest rate helps maintain a more consistent yield, reducing the impact of fluctuating market rates on the overall return.

  5. Strategic Risk Management. Bunny bonds allow investors to strategically manage their bond portfolios by providing a mechanism to address the challenges associated with reinvestment risk. This strategic approach enhances overall portfolio management.

  6. Diversification Opportunities. By incorporating bunny bonds into a diversified investment portfolio, investors can further spread risk and potentially enhance overall returns. The flexibility offered by bunny bonds complements broader diversification strategies.

  7. Reduced Exposure to Interest Rate Fluctuations. Investors holding bunny bonds can experience reduced exposure to interest rate fluctuations. The reinvestment option helps navigate changes in interest rates, ensuring a more stable income stream over the bond’s life.


  1. Incomplete Elimination of Reinvestment Risk. Despite the strategic option to reinvest coupon payments, bunny bonds cannot eliminate reinvestment risk. Changes in interest rates can still impact the overall yield, potentially leading to lower returns upon reinvestment.

  2. Coupon Payments at Lower Levels. Bunny bonds often come with coupon payments set at lower levels than those of standard bonds. This may make them less attractive to some investors seeking higher coupon income, potentially impacting overall portfolio returns.

  3. Transaction Costs. Issuers of bunny bonds may impose fees for the right to receive additional bonds when reinvesting coupon payments. These transaction costs can reduce the overall returns on the investment and should be carefully considered by investors.

  4. Interest Rate Sensitivity. Bunny bonds remain sensitive to changes in interest rates. If rates decline significantly, investors may still face challenges when reinvesting coupons, potentially impacting the overall performance of the investment.

  5. Coupon Payment Variability. The coupon payments of bunny bonds may vary depending on the issuer’s ability to make payments and the overall health of the bond market. This variability introduces an element of uncertainty for investors.

  6. Risk of Yield Volatility. The flexibility offered by bunny bonds, while advantageous, can also introduce yield volatility. Changes in market conditions may result in varying yields, affecting the overall predictability of income for investors.

  7. Dependence on Issuer Stability. The stability of the issuer becomes a crucial factor in bunny bonds. Investors are reliant on the financial health and reliability of the issuer to fulfill coupon payments and provide the option for reinvestment.

Types of Bunny Bonds

  1. Zero-Coupon Bunny Bond. This type of bunny bond does not pay regular coupon interest but grants the investor the right to receive additional zero-coupon bonds with the same face value as the original bond. Investors benefit from the potential appreciation of the bond’s value upon maturity.

  2. Convertible Bunny Bond. A Convertible bunny bond pays a coupon interest rate, offering investors the additional advantage of converting the bond into equity shares of the issuing company at a predetermined conversion rate. This type provides a hybrid investment option combining fixed income with potential equity participation.

  3. Exchangeable Bunny Bond. Exchangeable bunny bonds pay a coupon interest rate and provide investors the right to exchange the bond for equity shares of another company at a predetermined exchange rate. This type offers diversification by linking bond investments to shares in a different entity.

  4. Variable Rate Bunny Bond. Variable rate bunny bonds feature a coupon interest rate that can be adjusted over time to maintain a certain yield. In the event of a rate adjustment, investors have the right to receive additional bonds with the same coupon rate, providing a degree of protection against interest rate fluctuations.

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